We’ve developed the profession of DISABILITY YOUTH WORKER which will work closely with Youth organisations, schools, cities, municipalities but will also attract in a sustainable way young people, in particular the once which are at risk of marginalization and isolation.
We have identified that the Disability Youth Worker need to develop FACILITATOR skills. Youth work needs to promote itself and the opportunities, it needs to reinforce links between policy, research &practice, promote better knowledge about the situation of young people, ease the transition of young people into adulthood with integration into the labour market, streghten knowledge & acceptance of diversity in society & open up youth work to cross sectorial cooperation allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people. To do those actions you need a dedicated Disability Youth worker Facilitator which not only has the face-to-face contact with the young people, their families & the community, but also manages social medias & public relations to facilitate youth work &digital projects within it.

Our Disability Youth Worker Facilitator will not only learn to manage the social media, but also to create appropriate and target based content, and develop pathways to empower young disabled people, for example he/she will use techniques on storytelling, marketing & public relations. The innovation is that this figure is mix between youth work, digital and video-making skills and marketing.
We will create an Interactive Modeling –work-based approach where the trainer shows how to do a skill, routine, or/and procedure, tells them what to notice, and expects that they will learn it immediately. The course participants will learn exactly why the skill, routine, or procedure is important to their learning and the respectful, smooth functioning of their career, learn also from the opinion of peers, and receive immediate feedback & coaching from their trainers.
Our textbook contains 4 Learning Outcomes (skills, competences & Knowledge) based on a EQF 3: Social Media (10 hrs); Storytelling (15 hrs); Communication & Coaching tools (15 hrs) ; Videomaking (15 hrs). Total: 40hrs.
We also designed online course and created materials for youth workers, trainers, there will be also teacher’s notes & teaching vlogs /videos. Our Moodle platform and course content you can find here: https://moodle.dywproject.org. The course Digital Enterprise Workshop is free of charge and available as Open Educational Resource.
The Disability YOUTH WORKER is transferable into other sectors, like tourism, SME, VET & schools. We envisage to attract people which are interested in youth work & would like to become real professionals in this Sector. The course is split in units to attract also Youth worker which need to update their skills.
You can download our Youth workers guide in 4 languages versions:
- English version – download here
- Polish version – download here
- Italian version – download here
- Spanish version – download here
We’ve preapred a guide for Youth which is available here for 3 units in English and Polish